Waste Oil Heaters, Industrial-Grade Fans, Infrared Heaters

Clean Burn Catalogs

Low-Profile Used Oil Furnaces, Large Volume Used Oil Furnaces, Used Oil Recycling Center, Portable Floor Fan, Overhead Fan, Portable Radiant Heater

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Resources from the Front Lines

Published: 01/31/2023 Oil spills contaminate the soil and water which can cause explosions and fires. To ensure proper disposal of...
Published: 12/15/2021 As the cold weather months ensue, it’s time to turn on your furnace. Heating a workshop or garage...
Published: 5/25/2018 Many industrial processes ultimately lead to the production of waste oil which can cause trouble for companies; In...
Published: 11/20/2020 For any business that deals with waste oils, adding a Clean Burn oil heater is a great option...