Pros and Cons of Evaporative Coolers
What is the best cooling system? Air Conditioner. Ceiling Fan. HVLS Fan. Evaporative Cooler.
Read this breakdown of the all-pros and cons of an evaporative cooler. Add it to your list or cross it off after reading this article.
Pros & Cons of Evaporative Coolers
Evaporative cooling systems (also called desert coolers, swamp coolers or air coolers) are among the best and most efficient methods used to stay cool. One downfall, however, is living in a humid climate, this option may not be the best choice. Here are some Pros & Cons of evaporative coolers.
Pros of Evaporative Coolers
1. Affordable Option
No hidden fees, service calls, or installation costs. Purchase the right evaporative cooler to meet your needs, and easily set it up yourself without hiring an HVAC contractor.
High quality, commercial/Industrial grade evaporative coolers start at around $1,000. For smaller cooling spaces evaporative cooling systems can range from $200 - $900.
2. Eco-Friendly
No special fluids, chemicals, or refrigerants are used.
3. Energy-Efficient
An evaporative cooler consumes 50% to 90% less electricity than an air conditioner.
4. Cost Effective
Purchasing an evaporative cooler is much cheaper than installing an air conditioning unit. A swamp cooler unit costs roughly 50% less than a traditional window-type air conditioner and 70% - 90% less than an inverter-type air conditioner.
How? No installation costs are necessary, they use a significantly less amount of energy consumption to run, and minimal service and maintenance is needed.
Note: Air conditioning units require an expert to come on-site and install the system (costs of an A/C unit slowly add up).
5. Easy Installation
Evaporator coolers are designed to be efficient and simplistic. This means that there is no need to hire someone to come on site and spend an hour or two getting the system set up.
Once you purchase your unit and place it in your desired location, add water, plug it in, and set-up your desired run time. Done! 3 Simple steps making it easier on the user, less time consuming, and costs less.
6. Low Maintenance
Maintaining your evaporative cooler doesn’t require a lot of time or effort or outside service from an expert.
7. Use in Various Locations and Settings
Evaporative coolers work best in dry climates because they lower the air temperature through humidification which can also provide many health benefits.
Portable units are available so the user can easily move the unit to another location whether it’s indoors or outdoors.
8. Increases Humidity
When the air is to dry, you may notice your skin, nose, and throat gets dry as well. A lack of humidity can result in having respiratory problems down the road such as nose bleeds, bronchitis, aggravate sinusitis, and asthma.
It can also damage the environment around you. Similar to a sponge, when it’s too dry it gets hard and shrinks. Adding a little a water expands the sponge. Depending on your environment, the dry air can damage, shrink, and warp wooden furniture & window frames, leather, paper-based products (books, artwork, etc.), musical instruments, crack wallpaper, ruin wine (dry out bread), and create static electricity in electronics.
9. Improves Air Quality
Evaporative coolers increase the airflow circulation tremendously because it sucks in warm air and releases cool air. The systems design uses a filter and pads. Working in unison, the filter and water-soaked pads can collect and trap dust, dirt, and pollen purifying the air. You can rest easy knowing your breathing in the cleanest air.
Breathing in cleaner air and significantly reduce the onset of allergies, irritated lungs, asthma attacks, etc.
10. Cools the Air
Unlike fans, evaporative coolers can cool the ambient temperature around you. In low humidity and high temperatures, an evaporative cooler can lower the temperature to 20° to 40° Fahrenheit.
Note: Recommended Evaporative Cooler - Val6 RKF-506 delivers cooler than ambient temperature (9°F cooler)
Cons of Evaporative Coolers
1. Extreme Heat Can Impact Performance
In very dry climates an evaporative cooler can be very effective in cooling the air. However, when the humidity level gets up to a certain point (60% or higher) an evaporative cooler isn’t the best option.
2. Not Suited for Humid Climates
Using an evaporative cooler when it’s above 60% humidity can lead to further discomfort. It can also lead to the growth of dust mites, mold, and mildew if not properly aerated.
Another drawback from high humidity (similar to too low of humidity level) is it can trigger asthma, allergies, pneumonitis, warp and damage wood furniture, paper-based products, electronics, etc.
Note: To maximize the efficiency of an evaporative cooler place the unit along exhaust ducts, open windows, or in the open air. Dehumidifiers are a good alternative to lowering the humidity.
3. Limited Cooling Temperature
An evaporative cooler can’t lower the ambient temperature as low as a A/C unit.
4. Replacement Parts
Common replacement parts for an evaporative air cooler include air filter, water filter, and pads. Other parts can include pump, fan, and motor related parts due to excessive use.
Contact Us for and part replacement needs.
5. Filter Changes
Regularly changing the filter prevents the growth of mold and mildew. Filter replacements can vary in price depending on the brand and size.
Contact Us for your filter replacement needs.
Note: Val6 RKF 506-A Evaporative Cooler recommends filter replacement every 1 - 2 years.
6. Water Supply
Evaporative coolers need a water source to replenish lost water due to evaporation. Units can vary from having a water tank or a hose connection.
Summary: Pros & Cons of Evaporative Coolers
While evaporative coolers may not bode well in high humid climates, they are a great option for keeping cool during the summer. The advantages of an evaporative cooler outweigh the cons.
Noteworthy advantages are, affordability, energy-efficient, and cost-saving. An eco-friendly alternative to air conditioning units.
If you are interested in a commercial-grade evaporative cooler, the VAL6 RKF 506-A is an affordable, high-powered, industrial-strength option.
The biggest factor that hinders the performance of an evaporative cooler is living in a humid climate.
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